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National Youth Council of Moldova conducts training on ‘Youth Participation in the Decision-Making Process

From 30 April to 2 May, the National Youth Council of Moldova organised the training ‘Youth Participation in Decision Making’, which was attended by 20 young people from different regions of the country.

The training took place over three days, providing participants with the opportunity to learn about the importance of their involvement in decision-making processes, to identify issues, and to develop advocacy strategies.

Additionally, the young people took part in various interactive activities, case studies, and practical exercises, which helped them better understand their role in society and develop their leadership skills.

The participants showed exceptional engagement and motivation throughout all the training activities, and the feedback received was very positive. As a continuation of this training, participants will be involved in follow-up activities within their communities.

This activity is part of the grant received by the National youth Council of Moldova from the ‘EU4Youth: Youth Engagement and Empowerment’ project, which is co-funded by the European Union and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ.

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